The little things that matter the most!!
Its been a long two weeks since Sept the 7th and if you are wondering what was going on then,its just the last day i blogged! A lot has happened since,but most importantly Ive been more sure about myself and about what life has to offer! Ive come to realize that I'm actually one lucky woman even though it dont always see it and appreciate it like I should! Ive appreciated my good friends more coz lets be honest there are many people out there who sit alone for hours without having anyone to call or have anyone call them for that matter! Ive seen the heights a loving mother will go to make sure a daughter is more than OK! Ive seen love unfold in front of my own eyes and I'm never forgetting a friends's proposal to the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with,a first for me! Ive understood more about getting ahead with those that matter because they are the same people who will be around the longest! Ive realized that life isn't easy and no one said it would be...